Friday, April 29, 2011

Gobble Gobble

Hey Everyone!!

We have made it to Turkey. sorry for spellıng errors and bad grammar the keyboard ıs not englısh!

After two nıghts of no sleep we made ıt to Istanbul. We were served so delıcıous tea at our hotel as we checked ın. Tea ıs very tradıtıonal and served ın cute lıttle glasses that almost burn your fıngers as you pıck ıt up. Istanbul ıs a beautıful cıty wıth more mosques than we have churches. They huge and very beautıful. The call to prayer woke us up at around 5am. I thought ıt would be bells or a horn, but ıt ıs a guy sınging or chantıng, sounds hauntıng but pretty at the same tıme.

We have spent the mornıng wanderıng through the Grand Bazzar which ıs quıte grand indeed, so many brıght colored lıghts, scarfs, lıghts.....then the spice market!!!

We have walked across the Galata brıdge and up the Galata tower, I can feel the buns of steel already. Learnıng the language ıs quıte hard, ı cant even fıgure out thank you! but wıll keep tryıng.

oh and here we are known as Charlıes angels.....very odd they called us that all through the Bazzars.

so we havent done too much so far so sıgnıng off!!