Sunday, March 25, 2012

Warm and Beautiful in Lima

It is a beautiful and warm day in Lima today!!!  We had a great sleep and have woken up refreshed and ready to explore.

I have to tell you about our arrival at the airport last night. Since we only had carry ons we got out so fast! It´s amazing not having to wait for bags. We found our driver easily and were on our way.  The ride from the airport to our hotel was pure entertainment for me and a near heartattack for Katie. Your first ride in a South American taxi is always somewhat shocking.  I love getting to see things that are so normal to me through Katie´s eyes. As she was laughing hystarically out of fear for her life and grabbing my leg and the door. Our driver notices that their style of driving and traffic was new to her. He laughed and told me he likes to pretend he´s a Nascar driver...then started driving a little faster and pointing out all the near misses.  Oh it was great entertainment. And no she wasn´t used to it yet for our ride to downtown Lima this morning.  And the great thing is, is we haven´t even seen bad traffic yet!!! hahah.

Our taxi driver couldn´t drop us off right where we wanted to go this morning as the streets were closed for a procession.  These are small parades for the upcoming Holy Week celebrations (the week leading up to Easter).  I really wish I knew a bit more about Catholosism and the symbolism behind what they are doing. Men in purple robes with a white rope around their necks were carrying the float of the Virgin women with lace head coverings walked backwards (facing the float) with incense burning over coals and signing. Up ahead a bit was another group of men in purple carrying a large silver plated cross.....another group of men infront of them where saying a prayer in unison.This will most likely be the first of many Easter celebrations that we will see. I´m very excited that we will be in Cuzco for Palm Sunday.

We are off to explore more in the Plaza de Armas (main square) area this afternoon.  And time to get adventurous with some FOOD!!! YUM!

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