Sunday, April 14, 2013

Small planes and Ski-doos....

(I have some great videos but the internet is really slow here....videos will have to wait till we get home)

We left Whitehorse this morning at 815am.  The airport is very small, only 4 gates. For our flight, we didn't have to go through security and no assigned seats, very odd. The plane only sits 38 passengers, no overhead bins an the seats fold forward..... There's duct tape on the ceiling, the panels with the reading lights are falling down and there's a gaping hole in the wall next to my seat. The one flight attendant wears very fashionable coveralls for a uniform. And the pilots come and go through the cabin as they please. All this aside the flight was very smooth and the scenery was breath taking snow covered mountains, frozen lakes and rivers.

We had a short stop over in Dawson City.... The runway for landing and take off a sheet of ice! Smoothest landing ever. The airport was probably smaller than the main floor of my house.  The flight to Old Crow was over the most beautiful mountains..... They make me want to just tumble down their snow covered slopes.

Our little plane....

We have now made it into the Arctic Circle!  We arrived in Inuvik just after 1pm today.  And best airport pick up ever! My cousin and a couple of his friends picked me up on Ski-doos!!!

I sat on the back for the first bit while my cousin drove. At one point we were going about 100km over a lake.  I soon got my turn. After a short little circle, I quickly got the hang of it and took off!!!  We went down some beautiful trails, rivers and lakes.  

We stopped at one lake that was untouched and I got a chance to really try out the ski-doo.... Brian and his friend Owen were taking bets on how long it would take me to fall off!!  I didn't fall off but I did get myself really really stuck in waist deep snow!!  They failed to tell me how to turn properly in deep snow.  Owen came to get me unstuck an got himself stuck too.....probably took about 30 mins to get everyone out.

Brian and Owen on the lake.

This is the great job I did getting the Ski-doo stuck!

This is Owen's good job getting his Ski-doo stuck.

The snow was so deep.... A lot of work to try to even walk let alone get a Ski-doo out.  Our route into town was the Mckenzie river!  This was a chance to just hit the gas and go for it. I even got to drive the ski-doo through town...... When else will I ever get to drive through the middle of town on a ski-doo.

Standing on the McKenzie River.....

After more than 3 hours of Ski-dooing Boy am I going to be sore tomorrow!!!!!

We ended the day with a lovely turkey dinner with some friends.

Uncle Wayne was complaining that he didn't get enough whip cream on his pie....he won't complain to Trish again.

1 comment:

Isaiah said...

Woohoo!!! Nice job with getting the Skidoo stuck! That looks so fun!