Saturday, September 30, 2006

Buns of Steel

Today we got to go on our first European train ride. This was Katie`s first ever train ride! So exciting. We went to Bern, the capital of Switzerland and where Einstein came up with the theory of relativity (if you cared, i didn`t). We walked around just trying to get ourselves lost for fun, we did a good job and went in the opposite direction we wanted to. We found the church we wanted to see and walked up 354 stairs to the top of the steepel. After that our butts were sore and our legs were jello, it was time to stop at a cafe. Man, I love the cafes here, just tables out on the sidewalk, great for people watching. Katie and Rita had heaven in a cup!!!! Cappaccino ice-cream with espresso and whip cream. Man it was SO GOOD!!! Me and my tummy could only survive a taste. I will be having one a day in Italy along with tiramisu every day. Tomorrow we have an 8 hour train ride to Venice Italy. I am SO excited to learn some italian, I`m sure I will do better at it than I have been doing pronouncing German words. Katie says when I don`t have a spanish sound to every German word, I sound like a wookie (the fuzzy guys from StarWars).
Don`t know what the internet access will be like in Italy, we`ve been spoilt having it in our room the last few days. Noldi and Pia were WONDERFUL hosts and it was such a blessing to have a free place to stay four nights.
We love Switzerland and were so blessed to have Simon as a tour guide and to get a real cultural experience with the people. We will miss it here.
Auf wiedersehen (so long)


Anonymous said...

querida Vicki,
Nos sentimos emocionados de leer sobre como Dios les ha cuidado y lo seguira haciendo por el resto del viaje. Nos gozamos con las fotos y los bellos paisajes que se pueden observar. Pero sobretodo las experiencias que ustedes estan teniendo en estos lugares, son cosas que no tienen precio. Sabes que te queremos mucho, estamos orando porque Dios te guarde y te bendiga en lo que queda de tiempo para el viaje y que proteja su regreso a BC. Te estaremos esperando con los brazos abiertos. De antemano te decimos que estaremos realizando nuestra cena de Thanksgiving hasta el 14 de octubre para que puedas estar con nosotros. Bendiciones abundantes para Ustedes!

Anonymous said...

HI Vic
Sounds likee you are having a super time. We are all looking forward to you coming home we miss you lots. We loved the pictures you attached to the blog site.
Caleb says I love you auntie Vicki
Stephen says he loves you to. They will be getting their own email soon so you can email them on their computer.
See you real soon.