Saturday, September 23, 2006

Oktoberfest...nothing like you would think

Well, after the last time I wrote we went over into a small town in Austria (just for a few hours) looking for traditional festivals that they sometimes have, we apperently missed it just by a few days. But we met up with a couple, Lindsey and Ryan, from Colorado that we had met earlier on our tour of the castles. So we went out for coffee with them, and just sat and chatted. They're a really nice couple and Lindsey is very excited that I'm going to email her a recipe for Nanimo bars!!!! Then we headed back to Germany..... it just seems so strange how we can go back and forth so easily between take a wrong turn and end up in France!
Friday we were at Oktoberfest.... this was nothing like I had ever imagined it. The best way to describe it is the PNE minus the cows and add ALOT of beer. It's at a huge fairground with rides, carnival games and food stands. I think the rule is if you are German you wear your leiderhosen or durndle, people were wearing them everywhere, it was great! And we rode what might possibly be the best rollercoaster I have ever been on!!! (Taya you have to come to Germany) It's the Olympic rings, so you have five huge loops and some crazy hills! It was 5 Euros (about $7) but worth it. When you take away the barns and the cows from the PNE you add beer and lots of it. There are six beer tents, each representing a different local brew, and inside these tents is udder craziness, in the middle on a raised stage is a band playing traditional German music and EACH of the six tents hold 5,000 to 6,000 people!!!! Yes that is thousands, we were there at 11am and they were FULL! The beer only comes in one size, a litre beer stein! Since it was so early and I have had my German beer experience we did not have one. I couldn't even drink my one little glass of beer with my brastworth so I wasn't going to waste more on a litre. We spent our afternoon wandering around downtown Munich being entertained by street performers, then it was off to AUSTRIA! We got stuck on the Autobahn..... traffic came to a complete stop for over 10 mins, so in true tourist style we entertained ourselves with taking pictures and playing some games. We had planned on staying in Salzburg our first night but who would have thought there would be an International Cycling tour there. So we carried on... and were going to stay in Linz....but we quickly nicknamed that city Slinz sister city to Surrey. So it was off to Melk which was another 2 1/2 hour drive! We got there late and again we had troubles finding a hotel with rooms available. But God is always faithful and provides for us and we always get something super nice in these situations. And for really good deals.
This morning we toured a huge abbey in Melk that had one of the most beautiful churches I have ever seen. Rita said wait till we see St. Peter's in the Vatican, it's even more amazing. I can't imagine what would be more amazing than what we saw today.
Now we are in Vienna and have once again found a very nice place to stay in. It's a huge city but with a great subway and trams it is so easy to get around! We've taken it easy today and did laundry for the first time in Europe.... that was an adventure trying to figure out the machines...they have a very wierd paying system here. So we don't stink anymore and we are ready to visit the palace tomorrow and pop in to see a bit of an Opera. Monday morning we will be visiting a concentration camp on our way back to Salzburg and then on Tuesday is the highlight of the trip for me.... THE SOUND OF MUSIC TOUR!!!! I have heard amazing reviews of this tour and am SO excited for it.
Our trip has been so much fun so far. I can't believe we still have over 2 weeks to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow I can't believe you guys have been gone for one week already! Oktoberfest sounds AWESOME! It is cool to see how God is providing for you along the way. We now have a map set up at work to track where you are, we really have nothing better to do :) We miss you all and can't wait to see and hear all about your crazy fun adventures!