Thursday, July 26, 2007

What's next.....

Last weekend I had the chance to visit a senior couple from the church I grew up in, Mr. & Mrs. Kielan. We had a great visit, I love hearing their stories. I had the opportunity to thank them for the impact that they have made in my life. If it weren’t for Mrs. Kielan and two of her friends (Mrs. Wolfram and Mrs. Miller) I don’t know where I would be today. They were persistent little ladies; I would go to church with my Grandma JUST to keep her company, nothing else. Well, these three little ladies, every Sunday would insist that I check out the youth group. Finally I went, just to get them off my back, I had full intentions of only going once to say that I had checked it out and didn’t like it, there done. But I loved it and it was there that I learnt that God loves me, so a journey began to seek out God and get to know Him. It wasn’t till years later though that I learnt that being a Christian was so much more than a life style or belief system but a personal relationship with God himself. Today I walk, run and crawl my way through life with God guiding me through. All thanks to three very persistent ladies, and it was awesome to get to say thank you to one of them.

Now with God’s guidance in life another adventure is about to begin. I have been working with Campus Crusade for Christ in the Finance Department for two years now and it’s been a lot more fun than I thought working with accountants could ever be. I have worked with an amazing team and now have some life long friendships. But now it’s time for a change and a new challenge. I was nervous to quit the Fairmont and take off to South America, and now God has set a new challenge in front of me. I am transferring from Finance to our Athletes in Action ministry. Could you get two departments that are any more different than these twos??? The job description is huge and intimidating and more than one person has told me that I am nuts for making this move. But I know for a fact that God’s hand is in it and it’s Him who is leading me there. And who am I to argue with God. This week I had the chance to be up in Whistler at the AIA meetings and got to meet a lot of the people that I will be working with. They are all amazing people with a huge desire to serve God and tell the world about His love for them. I’m so excited to join this team and be part of their ministry. I will officially start in AIA on September 4th. Let’s see what God is going to do next!

I’m going to try really hard to update this blog more often now. A lot of people have been harassing me that I don’t do it enough. So here goes my best shot……

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