Sunday, October 28, 2007

Traveling again! A cruise, Thailand.... all in a month..WOW!

The last couple of months have been a rollercoaster of emotions. I had some very good days and some very heartbreaking days.

My family has seen some better seasons, with the loss of two aunts and a cousin with in two months. We miss Pat, Louise and Angi very much. Voids in life that will not be filled. But with God's grace and comfort everyone is getting through.

The good days have been very good. I started my new job with Athletes in Action (AIA) at the beginning of September and I am loving it. It's so much fun being an admin assistant in a ministry, surrounded by people that are passionate about what they do. Getting to hear the stories, every day, of what God is doing around the world is amazing. After only a few weeks I found out that I was going to Thailand for a World Leadership Conference!!! I am SO excited, we have approx 150 AIA staff coming from over 60 different countries. In order for me to go on this trip I had the daunting task to raise support for my flight, I needed about $1,600 and only had a month and a half to do this. Well, my God is a big god. I was very nervous that the amount that I needed, if it all came in, it would be down to the wire! But Like I said my God is a big god, and He loves to surprise and wow us. Through friends and family that share the same passion that I do, over $2,000 came in in only two and a half weeks!!! I am blown away and deeply touched by everyone's support! With this job I will get to go on other trips and projects and will have the opportunity to do hands on Ministry once again. I am so excited! God knows my passions and has put me in a job that I enjoy and that I can use my gifts in. I'll most likely even have the opportunity to go on project to Paraguay where I can use my Spanish!!! God knows how much I love to translate, and knows my passion for Latin America! This year is going to be a fast paced interesting one!!!

Tomorrow starts a few weeks of extrem CRAZINESS! I leave on a cruise tomorrow morning...get home, and home for a week and then am on a plane to Thailand! I am really looking forward to this cruise, there ar 14 of us going and I am so excited to spend time with each of them. And am even more excited that my sister is included in that 14! Tammy and I always have some interesting stories when we go places together, and some very good laughs.

Stay tuned for some more exciting stories of travels.... cruising....Thailand and a day on my own in Hong Kong! That one should be interesting, if not terrifying!

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