Sunday, November 11, 2007

Time to breathe?

My sister and I
for formal night
On the cruise

Well, I had an absolutely fabulous time on my cruise! We were on the ship for five days and four nights, the entertainment, food and ship were great, but even better than that was my travel companions. My sister was able to join me, thanks to our fabulous mother watching the kids during the day till Jay got home. And there were 12 other from my work that came on the cruise as well. It was so much fun spending time with each of them and getting to know some of their spouses a little bit better.

My favorite part of the cruise was getting to dress up every night and go dancing after dinner. My wonderful sister and my friend Katie stayed and danced with me till 2 am most mornings....they looked beyond tired. But I thank them for letting me dance till my hearts content :)
I paid dearly for the week off of work. This past week was extremely busy at work trying to get things organized and ready for Thailand. I leave tonight and think I have everything ready. This is going to be interesting.... I have never had to have things ready for a big conference before, but I'm pretty sure I'm ahead of the game, if I'm's too late now :). The place our conference is at is right across the street for a beach and I am praying that I get to step foot on the beach at least once :) One of the most interesting parts of this trip is going to be my day in Hong Kong. On my way home I have chosen to stay in Hong Kong by MYSELF for a night.... this should be interesting. I am staying in a hotel that was recommended by at least five different people, so it must be good. And have suggestions of things to see, but this is the first time that I'll be in a really big city, by myself, where I don't know anyone or know the language! It will be an adventure :) At least I know I'm going to a nice hotel so if all else fails I'll enjoy a few movies if I get cold feet to go explore on my own. I don't think I'll have time to sit, relax and breathe until I get to Hong Kong, I hope I'm not going to be too tired to enjoy it.
Anyways, I pray that everyone is doing well, and if I have internet access I will do my best to update my blog.
Enjoy the rain while I enjoy weather in the high 20's hahaha

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