Monday, November 12, 2007

Drinking Starbucks in Hong Kong

Well, it's 8:00am Tuesday morning...for those of you at home it's only 4:00pm Monday afternoon! I am drinking my decaf tall soy Carmel Macchiato from Starbucks as we wait for our flight to Bangkok. The flight from Vancouver to Hong Kong was smooth, long but smooth. I slept for only about 4 or five hours...each at one hour intervals. But I still somehow feel rested. I watched three movies..."I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry", "Hairspray" and "License to Wed". I had plenty to keep me occupied for the 13 hour flight!! I'm glad the next one is only about three hours I think. Well, since I've just been on a plane all day there really isn't anything exciting to type yet. Looking out on Hong Kong from the airport, all I see is smog. I can't wait for the return trip when I get to stay here for a night and actually get to see the city up close and breath in that fresh smoggy air.
Well, bye for time I'll be writing from Thailand sweating in 35 degree weather...enjoy the rain and wind storms everyone!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Vicki! Looking forward to more reports as time and internet access allow. Hope you're having fun. :) Love, Rita.

Taya said...

You didn't laugh out loud on the plane did you? 3 comedies, you could have scared everyone on the plane! Hee hee.

No baby yet...keep writing, I need something to keep me busy!

Love safe!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're writing updates on your blog! Are you having a great time? I guess sitting in a plane for that many hours isn't super-great, but it's still an adventure, right!
Keep updating & I'll keep reading :)
Miss you! Carla

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Blogs!!
Thanks for keeping us updated! looking forward to the next one!
I hope you are having a FANTASTIC time and I look forward to hearing all your stories!!!
... I had an epiphany the other day as well.... well it wasn't really an epiphany.... I MISS YOU!!! I wish I snuck in your suitcase!!!!! hahahaha.