Monday, June 16, 2008

Saying good-bye is always hard.

Leaving will be hard, as always. The last few days have been incredible and it's always hard to leave when you've made such good friends and when God is moving so much.

The weekend was incredible. We went to a wedding Saturday night that didn't even start till 9pm! And was very formal. Lots of fun seeing different traditions and dancing to some latin music.

Sunday was TONS of fun!!!!!!

Lindsay and I at the Paraguay/ Brazil Soccer game. A once in a lifetime opportunity! AND Paraguay won 2 - 1!!!
We were given the tickets from Dr. Poeletti who works with the Futbol association here, so generous. We met him at his house to walk to the stadium with him and his kids. His niece and her husband were also there and they are moving to LANGLEY in December! What are the chances! And Dr. Poeletti brought face paint to paint Paraguayan flags on our faces....but only painted mine and Lindsay's faces. The environment of the stadium was unlike anything I have ever experienced!!! When Paraguay scored, the place was beyond INSANE!!! Everyone jumping up and down and hugging everyone! Whoever was in reach you hugged and high fived. It was crazy. And there was a small section of Brazil fans and they had riot police up both sides of the section to protect them from the Paraguay fans and at the end of the game, they had to wait to be the last ones out of the stadium for their protection. hahaha so different from home.

Today was our last day and we had such incredible meetings. We met one last time with the Selection team that is going to the World Cup in New Zealand. And the coaches are just so encouraging when it comes to Josefina working as a chaplain for the team. They're very excited about it.

And tonight we had the first meeting of the first key volunteers for AIA Paraguay. This is a group of people that our team has meet the last few weeks, christian players, that want to use their futbol to reach their team mates and community for Jesus! We had 8 people come out plus Avelino and Josefina (aia staff). 7 girls and one guy. All of them have such an incredible heart to serve and to share Christ with their country. None of them could stop smiling for all God has done in the last few weeks. They have a lot of work ahead of them but are very excited. We had 70 girls over the last few weeks indicate that they want to know more about Jesus. INCREDIBLE! Something only God could do. This small group of people are going to do amazing things here in Paraguay. It was hard to leave the meeting knowing that I'll just be watching from the sidelines now. I'll have stories about a few of these people in my newsletter when I get home.

Well, it's almost midnight and I have to be up in 7 hours! YIKES! And two days of travel ahead of me. Oh but I will be hitting the beach in Miami :) YEAH!!!!

Will be back in Canada late Thursday night. LOve you all!!!!

Now to face our new friends at the airport to say good-bye..... there will be lots of tears......

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