Friday, March 23, 2012

Mi querido Peru! My beloved Peru!

My dream trip since I was 8 years old has always been Peru. And I am extremely thrilled that this will be my SECOND trip to this amazing country! 2012 did not get off to the best start. January 16th I was laid off (after being there for almost 7 years). A week later We found out an aunt of mine only had months to live. A few days after that devestating news Mom lost her job too. And a couple of weeks ago auntie Elvera finished her battle with cancer and went home to her mansion waiting for her in heaven. With all this going on and being without a job I was hesitantly looking forward to my trip to Peru. I am EXTREMLY grateful that my unemployment only lasted a month! And I found a job that I am loving and my coworkers are all very sarcastic and amazing people. I love the sense of humor there! And to top it off I was still able to take the two weeks off to head to Peru. With the rocky start 2012 is on an uphill climb. I am so excited to be heading back to Peru and have the chance to see new places and returning to some old ones again!! And doing all this with one of my best friends, Katie. (thank you Steve for giving up your wife for 2 weeks). So we will be spending time in Lima, checking out Miraflores and visiting the Iglesias de San Francisco. Over looking the depths of the Colca Canyon, hoping to catch a glimpse of the giant condors that call the canons home. We'll take a cruise on a reed boat in Lake Titicaca. A highlight will be walking the enchanting streets of my favorite city Cuzco. And of course the most important day will be visiting Machu Picchu! We will be takin the train to the ruins this time. My last trip I conquered the inca trails. This time we will conquer climbing Wayan Picchu for a birds eye view of the ruins. I am so excited to introduce Katie to a country and culture that truly feels like home to me. Stay tuned for stories of our many adventures!!!

1 comment:

Sarah Bruneski said...

Can't wait to hear about your travels. Enjoy your well deserved trip!