Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Just awesome......

Again there really aren't any words to describe today. It was a stark contrast to yesterday. As we drove into the community we passed many shelter houses that have been built over the past few years. And we were welcomed with such excitement. These families that received houses today found out last night that they were getting a house today!

We break up into three teams each day and as my team pulled up to the house we were going to build the owner, Jose, was ear to ear smiles. They found out late last night that they were getting their house today so their old house was still standing. They usually have it torn down before we get there. But we got to see the conditions that they were living in. Jose is 32 and his wife Sonia is 36.. They have a 10 yr old son Emerson. We walked on to the property and there were mice running everywhere, tons of flys and ants all over everything. I took some pictures inside the house and it looked like a garbage can with a dirt floor and just old old bowls and tables, that I'm sure leaked and were wobbly. But it's what they have and they make do.

We had to help tear down the old house to make room for the new one. Jose still had a smile ear to ear as he saw his old house come down bit by bit. He has helped build a number of shelter homes and it was finally his turn, he knew what he was getting was way better and safer that what he had.

I worked along side Ainsley a lot today. She's 15 years old and raises funds on her own to come down for a week with her dad to build houses, this is her second time. She is a hard little worker.  And we worked along side some of the local women, man these women know how to work! They are tough, fast and know how to build these houses. My job has become securing the siding once it's up so Ainsley and I grabbed the drill some screws and started getting to work. We soon found out that these local women who work so hard didn't know how to use a drill... I found it quite funny that I was the one to teach them. I had a line up of about 5 of them each pushing the other to take a turn but each of them scared to try. It was hilarious and a great "bonding" experience for all of us.

I got to play translator for our team as well, I slid back into this role so easily and loved every moment of it. I was pulled away from jobs to translate for work being down and I was pulled away to be asked what the kids were talking about. Just so much fun to be part of it all.

When each house is built the owners are interviewed and I got to translate for our interview too. Jose is a farmer, he farms fields of corn and beans. And he's paid in corn and beans, not money. He'll keep some for his family and sell the rest to get money for other necessities. Sonia stays at home to look after Emerson. Emerson wants to be a soldier when he grows up. Sonia was fairly quiet during the interview but it was clear she was just at a loss for words. Jose was still smiling! He's so happy to have a clean secure house for his family and he's excited to help build more houses for other families. This village really knows what community is all about.

We started a couple of more houses that we will finish tomorrow morning. As I was talking to the owner of one house asking where they wanted the bedrooms and the patio a big black mouse jumped off a roof and almost landed on the guys head!  Can't believe I didn't even jump. I think that's a God thing too, to be able to not over react to something like that. It's something so small but to jump and scream even just from the shock of it could embarrass them for the fact that they have mice in their home.

We were done building by 1pm today, I'm so thankful for a short day. We had to cut down the one tree on the first property to make room for the house and that was the only shade and it was another very hot day. My energy was zapped!

One of the main purposes of this week, aside from buildings, is meetings with all the team leaders. Those started this afternoon and it was so incredible to hear how each person got involved with Shelter, how God made connections an but burdens on people's hearts and brought them all together with Shelter. These men and women had incredible passion for physically playing out the Gospel, being the hands and feet of Christ to the people of El Salvador.  Each and everyone of them are volunteers and either pay or raise money to come down here one, two some as many as four times a year. That's love in action.

I am exhausted, ready for bed and ready for another exciting day tomorrow!!

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