Thursday, April 10, 2014

Keys to your new house!!!

Today was low key compared to the last few days.  It was the Key Ceremony day!  We drove back to the village, 30+ of is in the back of a pick up again and visits a bit with the people. I got to interview one last family before the ceremony. It was me and three of the guys from my team doing the interview and the couple was so thankful and so relaxed. We had a great time laughing with them and the guys were sharing pictures of their families in the snow.

9 families got keys to their new houses this morning!  The ceremony started with some worship and the local pastor shared about sharing and giving from what you have. And this village is such an amazing example of community, they really look out for each other and help where they can.

Each family was called to the stage and a member of the construction team would say a bit to the family and present them with the keys to their house and a "basket of blessings" these include a broom, cleaning supplies, food and some toys for the kids. I was nominated to speak for our team and present Jose Noe the keys to his house. I got to speak in Spanish as an El Salvadorian translated into English for me.... That felt a little weird but was awesome to speak to the family directly and not through the translator

It was a great time to celebrate with these families and to remind them that we are only the hands and feet of Jesus and the house is from God not the Canadians.

This afternoon was some more meetings as they plan for next year. We got to hear from a young man, Diego (19) who works at the sewing centre. The sewing centre is a project that has grown out of Shelter. This young man shared that when he met Cary and Stuart (Canadians who live here) his dad had just passed away and his family didn't know what they were going to do. His mom was working but not making enough to feed and clothes everyone. The kids had to drop out of school because they couldn't afford shoes and the uniform that are required. Diego met Cary and Stuart and they got him involved in the sewing centre, he took a design course and does the silk screening for them. He is now able to provide for his family and has dreams of being a psychiatrist and opening his own business so he can help families like his. He was an amazing young man who had to grow up real fast. And hey if you want silk screened shirts or bags for your company or sports teams they're comparable (or cheaper) than Canada and you'll help keep kids like Diego off the streets and give them the opportunity to have dreams! Let alone fulfill those dreams.

Tomorrow is going to be an early start at 5am as we prepare for a massive celebration with all the families that have received a house this year!!! The local soccer stadium has been rented and we're expecting approx. 1300 people.

Off to dinner and hopefully early to bed!

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