Tuesday, September 19, 2006

1000kms in
Hello Everyone!!!

The search for internet has finally ended. We have driven 1000kms in Germany so far and it has been an amazing adventure. Our flights went really well, and seemed quite fast! BA is a great airline to fly. Once we arrived in Frankfurt we picked up our adorable little car, a Corsa Opel, and started driving. I got to be the first to drive and OH SO FUN! The autobans are crazy, we'll be going about 120km (the suggested speed) and people will FLY past us! Literally fly. You barely see them pass you. Our first night we had a hard time trying to find a place to stay and ended up paying about $200 for a room, yuck! Driving around though we were excited to see the views in the day time, we could see castles litt up everywhere. Sunday morning we got up early and headed to St. Goar for a cruise down the Rhine River. Castles everywhere you look! It's beautiful. The cruise was fun, some interesting folk tales. We cruised to Bacharach and back, then drove to Bacharach to look around afterwards, that is the picture attached. In St. Goar we toured Rheinfels Castle. My first castle experience. SO COOL! I felt like I was in Lord of the Rings or something, peering out the look out tours, seeing real canon balls and the spots where crossbow snippers would sit and wait. We walked through some dark passage ways and when I say dark I mean you could not see your hand infront of your face. I kept taking pictures to see our next step with the flash, gotta love deleting pics from a digital camera. That night we drove to Baden-Baden. Our following the maps has been pretty good but we do stop for directions. Rita's German is really good (and I'm losing my Spanish accent with my few German words). People are really friendly and more than willing to help us out. Determined to get us there and help us understand their directions. In Baden-Baden a couple of ladies actually let us follow them right to the hostel we were staying at. Yesterday we drove south to take a drive through the Black Forest....with a small detour to France.....yes we took a wrong turn or missed a turn and ended up in France! Nothing out of the ordinary. The Black Forest was beautiful!!!! We drove to Kandle for a beautiful view overlooking the forest..... yeah the fog was really pretty, we didn't get to see anything. And driving through the Black Forest i found my COO-COO CLOCK!!!!! I bought it right from the man that made it! It is beautiful, i fell in love with it right away. It even came with a certificate as an authentic Black Forest clock, coo-coo clocks originated there. And don't worry Charlie and Dave the Coo-coo can be turned off :)
We were going to go back to Baden-Baden to look around (there are theraptic hot springs there) but we wanted to get to Rothenburg by 8pm for a Night-Watchman's tour..... but we needed to be in RoTHenburg with a "TH" not Rottenburg with a "TT"... we went to the wrong city!!! It ended up ok though. We have decided to stay in Rothenburg an extra day and NOT get in the car today. Rothenburg is AMAZING!!!! It's a gated city with cobble stone streets and quaint buildings, flowers everywhere. Dad you would love it here!!!! Christmas shops everywhere. I wish I had a bigger budget and a bigger bag cause boy would you get alot of stuff!!!! The hostel we are staying in here is amazing, we have the coziest room and the people that own it are super nice, breakfast was delicious and lots of food. An American couple we met there gave us a calling card to use in Switzerland, gotta love travellers. The plan for today is to go into every store in Rothenburg, they are all different and have some pretty cool stuff, Christmas decorations, beer stines, coo-coo clocks..... lots and lots to just look at. And today for lunch I am going to have brotsworth (sp) and beer. Gotta do it once in Germany..... you can even get a McBeer at McD's.

Hola a todos!!!!

Estoy en Alemania ahorita... y lo es incredible... no tengo el tiempo a escribir todo en espanol ahorita.... bueno....voy a tratar un poquito. Rentemos un carro y a manejar aca es muy divertido...no hay un maximo por el autopista. Tienes que ir 120km y los otros se pasan! Manejan muy rapido aca, es incredible y divertido. Estoy aprendiendo un poquito de aleman, es divertido. Vimos muchos castillos! y pasemos por un tour de uno. Son muy divertidos. Fuemos al Black Forest (bosque negro) lo es famoso por los relojs, compre uno!!!! Es muy bonito. Hoy estamos en Rothenburg cual es un pueblo dentro de paredes, es lindisimo!!!!! vamos a pasar el dia aca solo para mirar en todo de las tiendas, se venden todo tipco de Aleman. Los edificios son viejos y muy bonitos. Bueno amigos perdon que no prodria escribir mucho.... posible pueden practicar ingles y leerlo de arriba :) Es dificil a encontrar internet en Alemania espero que otro paises esta mas facil

Sorry... can't attach pictures here.... will try again next time......


Anonymous said...

Hey Vicki. Glad to hear you are having fun. Congratulations on the Clock!! Now you have "the time" to come for coffee. hahahaha
Be good and have fun.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it there without too much trouble. You must love the speed limits there. You do love to speed.
You better buy your dad a little Christmas ornament or you may not get any turkey.
Take lots of pics of the castles. I love castles.
Take care, Love you lots

2Nashs said...

What an adventure already! Great to hear from you. You've been missing all the excitement around here...computer files playing hide and go seek, and Jason Priestly making a movie in the parking lot next door. Isn't it strange being able to buy a mcbeer at mcdonald's? It's a whole different world out there. Have a great time guys.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, i've been watching you and Katie's blogs for forever, waiting for the update! Sounds like you're having a fabulous time which is exactly what I wanted to hear! You're not missing much out here in BC... it's grey and pouring rain. Can't wait to see your pictures and hear about your adventure in person!

Anonymous said...

Saludos de Felicita gracias por escribir en espaƱol . Bencidiciones.