Monday, September 04, 2006

11 Sleeps and Counting.......

On September 15th, 2006 I am leaving for Europe with two friends, Katie and Rita. We will be flying into Frankfurt, Germany and hoping into a car to drive around Germany, Austria, Switzerland and finally flying out of Rome, Italy for our journey back on October 9th, in time for some turkey at my parents house.
This is a fully packed 24 day adventure. We will be visiting castles, the black forest, a concentration camp, going on a luge, paragliding in the Swiss Alps, gondola rides in Venice, hiking through the Cinque Terre and wandering through the Vatican and the coliseum in Rome. I'm sure there won't be a dull moment on this trip!
I am very excited to be getting on a plane once again and can't wait to see what lies ahead. The unexpected in travel is always exciting and the only one sure guarantee. I'm looking forward to experiencing driving in another country, trying to read road signs in another language and trying to communicate through hand signals. It has been a long time since I have travelled and have had a language barrier, as most of my travel has been in South America and I speak fluent Spanish. I'm sure I am in for yet another fun ride and look forward to learning about these amazing countries, learning about Katie and Rita as we have 24 days of each other, learning about myself and learning about God. It never ceases to amaze me how much I can learn about God when I'm travelling, seeing His creativity in diffferent parts of the world just really brings me closer to Him, I always look forward to what He'll teach me on each new adventure.

El 15 de spetembre voy a europa con dos amigas Katie y Rita. Vamos a llegar en Frankfurt, Alemania y rentamos un carro para manejar a Alemania, Swiza, Austria y Italia. Por el fin tomamos el 9 de octobre con un vuelo de Roma, Italia por el regresa a Canada. Y vamos a llegar justo por el dia de gracias y vamos a comer pavo en la casa de mis padres.

Este 24 dias de viaje esta llena de adventura! Vamos a visitar catillos, el bosque negro de alemania, un campo de los judios de la guierra mundial, paracaidismo en swiza, vamos por los rios de Venice, caminando del Cinque terre en italia, y vamos a pasar por la cuidad de Vatican y las ruinas de Roma. Estoy cierta que no vamos a tener ni un momento aborrido!
Estoy muy emocionada a tomar un avion otra vez y no puedo esperar a ver que Dios tiene para nosotros en europa. Quiero manejar en una otra pais y tratar a entender las signales en un otra idioma y a comunicarnos con las manos porque no hablamos, aleman, swisa o frances. Estoy emocionada a aprender de estas paises a a prender mas de Rita y Katie porque vamos a estar juntos por 24 dias, a aprender mas de mi mismo y a aprender mas de Dios. Dios me asombra en su creatividad que veo cuando estoy viajando y viendo las partes diferencte del mundo, siempre me cerca mas a El, voy a ver que El va a ensenarme en cada adventura nueva!


The Weckstroms said...

Hi Vicki,
I'm so excited for you! It sounds like you have lots of fun stuff planned...I'm trying really hard to not be jealous!!
Have a great time. I'll be checking your blog while you're away, so hopefully you'll have time to post some pics.
Luv, Carla :)

Anonymous said...


Well, it looks like you are going to have more countries under your blet than me.b Yes, I am jealous because I am not coming with you. I know that you will have a wonderful time though. I look forward to seeing all the pictures and hearing the stories.

Love always,

Anonymous said...

Opps, I ment to say belt...

Anonymous said...

Well...11 more sleeps huh? Do you really think you will sleep???? Anyway, doesn't really will be having too much fun to think about sleep once you are on that plane! I am so excited (maybe a little nervous since I am the mother of one of you!:) I know you will come back with tons more stories to add to your travel log. I'll be praying for you all. Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping in touch. You go girl have lots of fun but I am not jealous, this is your time.Go for it.
You will be in my heart and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo! Miss Peskett, "Avid World Traveler," is almost ready to launch into her next adventure! Hope you are able to soak it all up and have the best time! (and that you meet some yummy Italian men, too!) Cheers!


Hola amiguita,

Espero que tengas lo mojor viaje que es posible. Que Dios te bendiga, y puedas aprovechar todo alla en europa. Mucha suerte, mucha energia, de mi corazon.

Anonymous said...

Bueno Vicki,
Tu sabes que te vamos a extrañar enormemente... pero queremos tambien que como parte de tu crecimiento en tu vida espiritual, puedas crecer mediante esta experiencia misionera. Estaremos orando por tu salida, tu estadia y tu regreso de nuevo entre nosotros. No solo te esperara el pavo en casa de tu papi, sino tambien en la Iglesia estaremos esperandote con los brazos abiertos para arrancar de nuevo el trabajo con los jovenes y en la alabanza... Bendiciones, tus amigos: Juan Carlos y Claudia Torres :)

2Nashs said...

We are both so excited for all of you! Can't wait to see pictures and hear of your grand adventures.

Anonymous said...

Wahoo!!! 7 sleeps to go!!! Can't wait to begin the adventure.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicki
Well it's been awhile, but I look forward to seeing you through the pictures and stories on this blog! I am excited for you to go travelling again, I know nothing can keep you down for long!
~Kelly :)

Anonymous said...

hola Vicki,

saludos desde Ecuador, me encanta ver esas fotos son muy lindas, que bien que tengas una pagina web te felicito.., amiga que chevere que estes viajando a europa, disfrutalo mucho y me alegro por ti amiga,

Anonymous said...

Way to go Vicki!!

I'm so excited for you! I'll be praying that you have an awesome trip! And don't forget to pick me up some Vienna Sausages!!

We'll miss you at home!


Anonymous said...

Well Vicki you are off again on another adventure. I know you will have a great time. At least you will have toilets that flush, that is if you can afford them. I hear you pay of potties in Europe. We are so excited that you will be home for Christmas.
I will have a turkey dinner waiting for you when you get home.
Remember if God shows you your future husband, he has to come and live in Canada. I know He has someone very special waiting for you.
Love you lots
Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...


I hope you got there safe and sound. I guess you've been there for a few days now. can never take too many pictures. I hope that you enjoy every moment that you can.

ps. Tell your mom I would like a turkey dinner too ;)

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!

I heard from Kathy (via Katie) that you guys are having a great time in Germany. That's awesome. Keep safe and healthy and watch out for those European men (especially in Italy)! Can't wait to see your pictures and hear of all your adventures.



The Weckstroms said...

Hi Vicki & pals,
Hope you're having a WONDERFUL time! Can't wait to hear all your stories. Carla

Anonymous said...

Hey Vics - We're home! We had an awesome time. I got sick the day we were in Magic Mountain and couldn't ride many rides. It wasn't the same without you there anyways. I love Denny and he loved the rides, but you would have been in HEAVEN there! I did go on Goliath and blacked out!! Reminded me of our trip!

Thanks again so much for all your help with the wedding - excited to get together so we can share all out pics together!

Love you - be safe, in my prayers!


Anonymous said...

Hey Vicki, sorry I missed saying goodbye, I know you'll meet a Latino and never come back so have fun.

