Thursday, September 21, 2006

Castles...Castles....and more Castles

So I don't have too much time to type, we found FREE internet.
We spent an entire day in Rothenburg, which is a medival city. Very quaint and very beautiful! Dad you would have loved it!!!! The BIGGEST Christmas store in the world!!!! We spent well over an hour in there looking around. We went on a Night-Watchman's tour which taught us alot of history of what life was like in the medival times. We left Rothenburg yesterday and heading on a drive called the Romantic Road which connects a dozen or so medival cities. We of course got lost due to a few detours and had to stop for directions....well we met a FABULOUS little lady Charlotte, she was trying to tell us how to get out of the city but couldn't quite explain she came with us. It was about a 20 minute drive and she was just such a sweet lady. She was so excited to see three young ladies exploring her country and commented that travel is good for you because it changes your heart. When we got to the place to drop her off, we took a quick picture with her so we wouldn't forget her kindness. She was so excited when I gave her the Canada flag pin from my bag. I got a big hug and kiss on the cheek. We went to an old Boroque church which was very ornate, but I always have such a heavy feeling in these churchs, seeing and hearing about all the people that come from so far for healing from a statue... it breaks my heart and I'm sure it breaks God's heart even more.
Thankfully we arrived in our next town Fussen we had booked a hostel on the internet, not so good. It was dirty and the owner was creepy!!!! We polietly told him that we didn't want to stay and left as quickly as possible! We have found a great >B&B just minutes away, it's a typical German home with clean comfy bed, and SAFE!!!
Today we got to tour the most beautiful castles... Hoenschwangau and Neuschwanstein. The later is the castle that Walt Disney used to design Cinderella's castle. It is a breathtaking view! What we got to see of the inside was impressive, hard to imagine the money and time that went into it. Anyways, we are having a wonderful time, thank you everyone for your comments and prayers. Miss you and love you.


Anonymous said...

Hello everybody. Sounds like you are having a great time.

Anonymous said...

I love castles!!!!It sounds like you are having an awesome time. We are all jealous.....except did you hear that i saw Jason Priestly!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi you guys!
By the sounds of it - you're having the trip we have prayed you would have - totally awesome! Miss you all lots but couldn't be happier for you! Gotta love this blog but still wondering where the promised "blog-hijacker" 's comments are - eh Jonathan? Take care all!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Hope you all are doing great! I miss you guys.


Anonymous said...

Vicki, I found your blog while searching for a B&B in Hoenschwangau. Do you remember the name of the B&B you stayed in? -Brian