Friday, September 29, 2006

Running off a Mountain

Yes, today Katie and I ran off of a mountain!!! We drove an hour to Innterlaken, where we were in the heart of the Swiss Alps, and what better thing to do than to run off of one!!! We were 1000 meters so about 3,300 feet above the town of Innterlaken when we entrusted our lives into the hands of a stanger and his parachute. We ran down a steep hill until our feet came off the ground, this was the wierdest sensation, you really couldn`t tell that you had left the ground. The view was nothing short of amazing, again words would not do it justice. The flight down was about 20 mins and at the end we got our rollercoaster ride...... we both got to do a few super fast spins, I have a really good video that shows abit of it. It was a relaxing ride to the ground but of course ended way too soon. The drive to and from Lucerne was so beautiful, nothing but Alps, cows and quaint little towns. Once we got back to Lucerne Simon met us at the train station again and took us to his grandparents house where they had CHEESE FONDUE, we have had experienced every traditional swiss tradition now. So they say that cheese fondue doesn`t sit right... well, when you`re kind of lactose intolerant (as I am) it really doesn`t sit they told us to drink black tea with it and then afterwards gave us some schnapps....hello it was more like Granny`s moonshine!!! His grandma gave me less than a shot of this stuff and i just wet my lips with it and it burned.... I drank about half of what she gave me and the room was spinning abit! that was some powerful stuff. They said it was farmers schnapps so it`s always stronger. Tomorrow we have our last day in Switzerland and drop off our cute little car....then we are 100% reliant on buses and trains as we leave for Italy on Sunday. For those who are following our intinerary, we are changing it once again.... we will be going to Venice on Sunday and then to Mulan. Shopping is the big attraction in Mulan and most stores will be closed on Sunday so that just isn`t good!!!!!

As you may of noticed... we got to download some pics....scroll down and take a look at some more!!!!!! Hope you enjoy them.


2Nashs said...

The pictures are great! Reading your blog is even more exciting than watching the amazing race. Can't wait to see the rest of your pictures. Glad you guys are having such a great time.

Anonymous said...

Hola Vicky le saluda Felicita y Edgar desde Surrey B.C. deseando que todo en su viaje le vaya de lo mejor.
Bendiciones y que Dios le provea de todo lo mejor.