Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sound of Music and Mozzart

On our way to Salzburg from Vienna we stopped at Mauthausen, a German Concentration camp. This was, needless to say, a very heavy experience. It was incredible to see the small areas that they forced hundreds upon thousands to sleep. This a camp mostly for prisoners of war, and most of the jews held here were Hungarian, but they were the minority but still treated the worst. The audio tour had passages from peoples personal diaries while at the camp, which made it very depressing but very impactful. I will spare the rest of the details, it's too sad.
Salzburg is all about the Sound of Music and Mozzart, this is Mozzarts birthplace and where he grew up. We toured his house, it was interesting but it was a house. The sound of music tour was fun. Our group was a good group that enjoyed singing along to the music. In the evening we got really touristy and went to a dinner show. The show was "Sounds of Salzburg" they sang some Operetta and some Austrian folk songs that the VonTrapp family singers sung on their tours. AND of course they sang ALL the songs from Sound of Music, it was so much fun to sing along and see everyone else sing a long too. It was very corny and very touristy but so much fun.
Now we are off to Switzerland, and just found out we have a free place to stay!!!! Man, God is taking such good care of us, we have some pretty amazing stories of how we've found some places to stay and how we've gotten "unlost" getting places. thank you all for your prayers we definetly see the evidence of them every day!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey chicken legs

Sounds like you are having fantabulas time.We miss you and enjoy getting your emails and phone calls. Hopefully your nexted call we will be home.
We are doing well Sydney got another tooth, Caleb is doing great in hockey 2, Stephen is repeating Hockey 3 along with all his other team mates. Sydney just riped one of my books so I better go Oh man now she is in my Pot porri (sp?) got to go see you soon

Love you
Your big sister