Thursday, September 28, 2006

WOW Switzerland

We have made it to our third country, we are now in Switzerland. The drive from Salzburg to Lucerne was about 6 or 7 hours, it was such an amazing drive. The mountains are indiscribable. We went through a tunnel (through a mountain) that was 14kms long!!! THEN we drove through a COUNTRY that is only 12 miles long and 4 miles wide!! Crazy!! We made it to the train station in Lucerne where we met Katie`s friend Simon. He is our tour guide for the next few days and we have had an amazing time so far!!! Last night right away we went with him to hear him and two others play the ALP HORN!!! It sounds so cool! And we each got to try them out too. It`s a bit hard to get a sound out of, very difficult to actually get the right sound out of it. Then the guys took us out for coffee and then Simon took us to the place he arranged for us to stay at. We are staying at a family friends house. This is the travel that I love!!! Getting to know the culture and the people. Today we are going up a gondola in the ALPS and tonight we are going to a guys house to hear 14 people playing the Alp horn!! We haven`t even been in Switzerland for 24 hours and we already totally love it! It`s so much fun getting to know the people and the culture, we are getting an experience that we never would staying in hotels and being on our own.
We`re so greatful for the hospitality from Simon and his friends. There is so much for us to do in just a few days, we head to Italy Saturday or Sunday, guess it depends on how much fun we`re having.


Anonymous said...

Sounds Amazing! Now I really can't wait until you all get back to tell us in person the amazing stories and adventures.

Take care and have tons more fun!!

Luv ya!

Kathy (That's mom to Katie!)


que chevere. Hay muchas cosas para leer pero no mucho tiempo para hacerlo. Pero ya tu experiencias me parecen muy cheverisimo, y espero que puedas seguir disfrutando todas cosas que encuentras.

mucha suerte amiguita

Anonymous said...

Will try this again. I tried from work but it wouldn't publish my comment; Sounds like you are having a great time. I am a bit jealous, no a lot jealous. We are looking forward to seeing your pictures and hearing all your stories. Two weeks are gone already. Take care and enjoy the rest of your trip.
God is good isn't He. I don't worry about you as I know He is watching over you.
Miss you
Mom & Dad