Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Snow, Snow and More Snow! Nieve, nieve y Mas Nieve!

The weather out side is frightful!!!!It is BEAUTIFUL!!!! We have so much snow! I haven’t seen this much snow in such a long time. In Abbotsford we have over a foot. Sunday we got to play in the snow for about 45 mins or so, it was so much fun!!!! Making snow angels, running, throwing snowballs….unfortunately I got tackled a few times too. When we got home Raynae and I built a little snow man, which was quite tilted the next day from the weight of more snow. We asked a neighbor to take a picture of the four of us and she said her father had just arrived from India a few days before and this was the first time for him to ever see snow! It was so fun seeing an older Indian man running and throwing snowballs for the first time. Snow brings out the child in all of us, my Mom even mentioned that she really wanted to go and build a snowman, don’t know why she didn’t, you’re never too old to play and have fun.

With the snow has come ice. Getting too and from work has been quite fun! My car was almost completely buried, you could see a slim bit of red at the bottom. And I don’t have the best tires on my car so didn’t want to chance driving. My co-worker Amy and her husband have been my heroes and have given me rides to work this week. I unburied my car a couple of nights ago and at 10am yesterday morning it was just sunny enough that with a few good hits on the door to loosen the ice I was able to open my driver’s side door, finally! I ran the car for 25 mins with the heat on full blast and the other three doors still won’t budge. It’s warming up today, with a high of - 1, oh so warm!!! But it sounds like the worst is yet to come, with more snow and freezing rain expected tonight they are predicting that the roads tomorrow will be worse than they have been all week. We’ll see if anyone makes it into work. It’s crazy driving down the highway and seeing all the cars in the ditches, if it is worse tomorrow I think we’ll be staying in Abbotsford and having a snow day off work.
Unfortunately, tonight is the night my nephews are playing with the Canucks and I won’t make it, very disappointing but I would be stupid to try to drive to and from downtown Vancouver in this.

Despite the crappy road conditions and everything, it is beautiful! I love the snow, it really feels like Christmas is coming now.
The pictures are of my parents house and of Raynae with our snowman. We got a lot more snow out in Abbotsford compared to Richmond where my parents live.

Es HERMOSA aqui! Tenemos mucho mucho nieve! Hace mucho tiempo que veo tanto nieve. En Abbotsford (mi cuidad) tenemos mas de 30 centimetro de nieve. Domingo fuemos a jugar en la nieve, fue tan divertido!!!! Hicimos angeles, coremos, hicimos bollas de nieve tambien! Que chevere! Cuando regresemos a la casa Rayane y yo hicimos un hombre de nieve, pero la proxima dia casi fue a su lado por el peso de mas nieve en sima. Pregunte a una vecina a tomar una foto para nosotros y ella me dijo que su padre llego de India solo 3 dias antes y este fue su primera vez a ver nieve! Fue tan chevere a ver un adulto indio a jugar en la nieve hacienda las bollas y todo. Todos portamos como ninos cuando hay nieve. Mi mama quiso hacer un hombre de nieve tambien, no se porque no lo hizo.
Pero con la nieve hay mucho hielo tambien! Las calles estan muy peligroso asi a llegar a mi trabajo esta semana esta dificil. Mi carro fue bajo de mucho nieve solo podria ver un poquito de rojo por el parte inferior y nada mas! Y no puedo moverlo por la nieve atras del carro, asi este semana vengo a mi trabajo con mi companero y su esposo. Ya saque todo la nieve de mi carro pero con el hielo no podria abrir las puertas hasta ayer, podria abrir solo una! Las otras todovia no puedo abrirlos por el hielo. Hoy hace un poquito mas calor, lunes fue -18 degrados, y solo es -1. Que caliente verdad? Pero manana va a estar peor! Hoy vamos a recibir mas nieve y un poquito de lluvia tambien que va a estar hielo manana por las calles! Asi no sabemos si podemos venir a trabajar manana. Hay muchos carros en la cuneta ahorita y si manana va a estar peor no quiero estar por el autopista!

Lasitamente hoy es el dia que mis sobrinos van a jugar hockey con los Canucks (el equipo de nuestro cuidad) y no puedo irme a mirarles. Es muy peligroso y muy lejo. Que pena.Pero la verdad es hermosa aca, me encanta la nieve, siento mas como lo es Navidad ahora.

Las fotos estan de la casa de mis padres y de Raynae con nuestro hombre de nieve. Tuvemos mucho mas nieve a mi casa que la de mis padres, ellos no recibieron mucho.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please, oh please, send some snow our way! It's been around 60 degrees here. Definitely not Christmas weather. I think more people have lights and decorations out this year. We have more lights than normal outside.