Friday, December 15, 2006

Can you believe Christmas is next weekend! Puedes creer que Navidad es la proxima fin de semana!

My Gingerbread house (mi casa de galletas)
The WINNING house (la que gano)
My Trophy (mi trofeo)
I can’t believe that it is Christmas next weekend! It is coming SO fast. I am ahead of the game this year and have all of my shopping done, wrapped and under the tree at my parents house. I don’t think I have ever been so prepared.
Last Friday we had our department Christmas party and we had so much fun! It was our wrap up to our 12 days till the Christmas party countdown and I think everyone really enjoyed it. We drove everyone to the party so they didn’t know what was going on until we got to the place. We were at a beautiful B&B and had a full catered lunch and then a Gingerbread House Competition. Everyone did a great job on their house….. except for Rita and I. We were going for the “advanced” house and one piece fell and broke, OOPS! So we decided if we couldn’t have the prettiest house we would have the most, um lets say “unique” house. The picture above with the melted Frosty would be mine and Rita’s house, isn’t it pretty????? But everyone had a great time!
Monday we had a department meeting and they have started a new employee of the month program, in which the winner gets a “beautiful” trophy and a present. Well, they chose me for the first one. So I now have a very tall and beautiful trophy/ pencil holder on my desk. (picture above). Along with it I got a SkiCard from Cypress!!! I am SO excited!!! I get one free day of snowboarding and every time I go after that I get 20% off the lift ticket, woohoo!!!! I really didn’t know what to say when I got the award… it’s so awkward, they said it was for all the work I did on the Christmas party and everything. But I just had so much fun working on it, and seeing everyone’s faces every morning was just so great.
Tonight I am off to an Ugly Sweater Party. I think I have a good shot at winning. My friend Holly found me a VERY bright and ugly sweater, with BIG shoulder pads. Maybe everyone will be lucky and I’ll post some pics tomorrow. Dave, Charlene and Raynae have some very ugly sweaters too, so picking a winner will be very hard. I hope everyone is doing well and that you’re all ready for Christmas!!!!! It’s NEXT weekend!!! YEAH!!!!!!

No puedo creer que la proxima fin de semana es Navidad! El tiempo esta pasando tan rapido. Pero ya compre todo de los regalos y estan en la casa de mis padres bajo del arbol de navidad, asi estoy preparada por Navidad.
El viernes pasado tuvemos nuestra fiesta de Navidad por mi departamento de mi trabajo y eso fue el fin de doce dias de juegos y todo. Fuemos a una casa a donde comemos almuerzo y despues tuvemos un competicion para hacer “Gingerbread houses” este es un tradition a donde hacemos casitas de galletas y dulces. Son muy divertidos y muy bonitos. Pero mi casa no fue tan bonita….tratemos a hacer una casa mas bonita de todo pero un parte se cayo el piso y se rompio asi, si no podimos tener la mas bonito, quisimos tener el, como lo digo el mas diferente. Pero fue bien, todos paseron un tiempo tan chevere.
Lunes tuvemos un reunion dentro de nuestro departmento tambien y los jefes comezeron algo nuevo, una programa del emplador del mes. Y yo gane por este mes, asi tengo un trofeo en mi mesa, es TAN bonito, no mentiras es feisimo, pero tambien recibe un ticket por snowboarding! Estoy super feliz! Todo fue por el trabajo que hice por la fiesta, pero lo fue muy divertido para mi a hacer todo los planes.Hoy por el noche estoy irando una otra fiesta de navidad pero esta fiesta es de sacos feisimos! El mas feo va a ganar un premio. Lo que concontre es FEISIMO! Asi hay la posibilidad a ganar! Posible manana voy a tener fotos que puedo poner por este blog tambien.
Bueno, espero todoes estan bien y estan preparados por Navidad.

1 comment:

The Weckstroms said...

Congrats on being Employee of the Month - that's a great idea! I think Project Services should do that...jajajajaja!
PS: Love your gingerbread house...very cute.