Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas is all over

Christmas is over if you can believe it. I had a fabulous weekend with my family in Richmond. And it all began with them coming out to my church on Saturday night for our Christmas
service. There’s a catch here…. I go to a Spanish church and no one in my family (besides me) speaks Spanish. Even though they only understood about 6 words in the sermon they really enjoyed themselves. Myself and my friend Nadia attempted to translate for them but the pastor talks way too fast. After a special service we always have a big dinner and fellowship time. And we were served Tamole. This is such a very special dish. And my Dad ate ALL of his! He eats so little and doesn’t really like ethnic foods, that must have been some good food, we were all shocked! My friend Jen and her two little girls wanted to take Sydney home with them. Tam said sure but they never did follow through with it. It was great having all of them out with me.

Christmas Eve Mom, Dad and I went to see “The Nativity”. This movie was very well done. I love biblical movies that make biblical people real. So many times we read the bible and are in awe of the obedience and faith that these people had. They were average people just like you and I. Mary was probably scared out of her tree when she said to the angel “may what you have said be done unto me”. Just because she agreed to it and believed it didn’t mean that all fear or doubt would be taken from her instantly. We tend to put the “Biblical Heros” on a pedestal and think that we could never be a woman or man like them. Their triumphs tend to stick out in our mind apposed to their failures, which isn’t a bad thing. But they were human just like us and fell as many times as we do. King David was labeled as a “man after God’s own heart”, he fell into adultery and murder. It is their desire and passion to seek out God and to earnestly follow him and change that impresses me. No matter how many times they fail they look to God and accept his hand and they are lifted up. We will never measure up to what God intended mankind to be. But that’s the amazing thing about God, he loves us just as much anyways. So when you’re reading about David and Goliath or Mary and Joseph and thinking to yourself that you could never have the dedication that they had, remind yourself they probably had the same thoughts and doubts, they were average people just like you and I. But God is BIG and amazing and with him and his strength and power….. that’s when we can do things beyond ourselves, beyond what we ever thought we could do. I took this leap of faith a few times on my trip to Ecuador when I was presented with challenges (like speaking in front of 500 people or eating intestines) and I know for fact that I can not do that, but with God all things are possible and I did it. He never ceases to amaze me. It was great watching the Nativity on Christmas Eve, it really gave me a great opportunity to really reflect on what God has done for us, and the reasons why we celebrate Christmas. He left the comfort and beauty of heaven to be born as one of the lowest of these, he was born into a very poor family and in a stable! He wasn’t born into a royal family in a castle. He was born into an average struggling family. Just for us. He came to experience the things we experience. And then was tortured and killed for us. I am so thankful that he was raised from the dead and returned to heaven to prepare an amazing place for us, a place that is beyond beautiful.

I pray that each of you have had a chance this Christmas to reflect on just how much God gave up for us, just because he loves us that much. Never doubt the strength and faithfulness of God; seek him and you will find him.

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