Sunday, April 15, 2007

Starbucks, babysitting and infections

It's been awhile since I have posted here and a few things have changed. I am a bit busier now than I used to be. I got myself a second job! Yes, I do believe I am insane. I am working part-time at Starbucks, the addiction is back full force. I just can't help myself with my discount it's easier to justify!!!!! So far I haven't really felt it change my social life or been too tired. It's been fun, I've enjoyed learning how to use the machines again and interacting with the customers. I think I was really missing that people connection. Having a second job will hopefully help me get out of debt enough to get me back on a plane! I can't believe how stir crazy I get in such a short time. I just got back from Europe in October and I already really, really want to get on a plane.

This week I'm off from Starbucks which is a good thing. Charlene and Dave (my roommates) are in Mexico for the week and I am taking care of Raynae (their five year old daughter). They left yesterday and I have survived my first two days. She's a great kid so it's not a tough job. Yesterday she had a birthday party at Castle Fun Park and then I took her to a fair. We had SO much fun on the bumper cars, by the third time on them she was driving all by herself.... although we were going in a lot of circles. Today in church we got to watch Deep Sea, the IMAX movie. Since Dave wasn't there to lead worship, they changed things up a bit. The movie was amazing, I don't know how anyone can watch something like that and say that there is no God. God's existence and His hand in creation is the only explanation there is to how amazing this world is and how it works. After "church" we went to the zoo with my friend Ann and her daughter Emily and niece Faith. The girls literally ran around the entire zoo!!!! They all looked so incredibly tired afterwards. YES, mission accomplished!!!

I guess the most "exciting" thing lately is last Thursday a beautiful infection popped up on my thigh. Went to a clinic and the doctor just told me to put hot compresses on it and that would be good enough. By the weekend I could barely walk and my entire thigh was swollen and red, with all the clinics closed or with really odd hours for the long weekend, I had to wait till Monday to get in and get some antibiotics. It has gone down but is not gone completely. I went to my family doctor on Friday and he confirmed that it is in fact staff infection (I know that's not the right spelling for this), and he thinks this steams all the way back to the staff infection I got in Ecuador TWO YEARS ago!!! The first few months I was home I was on antibiotics six times for staff infections that just kept popping up all over my body, the last time being an extremely bad ear infection. But doc said that your body can store staff for quite awhile if you don't totally get rid of it. So it's decided to pop it's ugly head up again. He extended my antibiotics for another week, being 17 days in total!!!! I am really praying that this just kills all the staff in my body. The infections are so painful and ugly. With this one I have been so exhausted, I don't know if it's the antibiotics or just my body fight so hard against the infection. It's still swollen a bit and the doctor has threatened to drain it if it doesn't go away soon. For those of you how know me well...... that is really NOT an option for me!!!!! They will have to put me out or tie me down to get a needle that close to me to drain my leg! Disgusting and immunization shots are hard enough for me!!! Anyways, that my gross gory details...I actually saved you the really bad stuff, my sister actually has a picture of my leg! YUCK!!!!!

Well, I will once again attempt to post here more often. Life just gets in the way sometimes.


Anonymous said...

castle fun park?! why didn't you call me? i love that place.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I had assumed you were done with this whole "blog" thing! Thanks for the update :)