Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First couple of days in Paraguay

The trip here was honestly very exhausting, it was over 40 hours of travel, and I didn´t sleep at all on the planes. But we made it! And everyone had very good spirits throughout the trip. I do have a cold now but everytime I turn around someone is giving me vitamin C pills, it´s quite funny. I¨ll be better in no time.

The first couple of days have been great. The team is really clicking and everyone is getting a long so well. The girls are so passionate about being here and sharing their faith with the people of Paraguay. We played our first game today and when it was almost cancelled because of rain, the only concern the girls had was that they would still get to go and hang out with the team so that they could share Christ with them. We did get to play the game and these girls are amazing! This was their first official game playing as a team and they have only had 5 practises together in as many days, and they won!!! The other team even had 11 girls on it who just qualified for the U17 World Cup! I was very impressed with them. Afterwards, we got to hang out with the other team and just get to know them abit. We will be playing and training with this team three or four times over the next few weeks so the relationships will grow and we´ll have plenty of opportunities to share God´s love with them. We also have Anna back with us, she is a Paraguayan national that played with the AIA team last year and through her experience accpeted Jesus into her life. The few girls that were on this trip last year were in tears when she met us at the airport.

As for me and my job here... I´m very busy... being a translator for 25 people isn´t a small task! But it is a lot of fun!!!! I get to hear and help the girls share their stories.

I have to run, there is a line up for the computer. BUT my travel blog is never complete with out a toilet story..... we´re south of the equator and the water in the toilet does go the other way when you flush! Yeah, that´s my entertainment hahaha. OH... and i have HOT water in my shower!!! Oh, the Lord is good to me :)

More to come.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vicki I miss you like no other. But I"m glad to hear exciting things are happening in Paraguay!!! I can't wait to hear all your God Stories and see all your pictures. Love you and praying for you!