Friday, May 30, 2008

Games, t.v. and radio

Yesterday the girls got to train (weights) with the U-17 Selection team, this team will be playing in the U-17 World Cup in New Zealand in October! It was such a great time watching our team interact with the Paraguayan team and try out their limited Spanish and the Paraguayans with their limited English. There was a lot of laughing and the start of some good friendships. We´ll be playing this team a few times over the next few weeks and will have a lot of opportunities to build into them. After the training session we got to share about why we are here, and Gentri did a great job sharing her testimony. A few girls talked to our players aftewards and said how much her testimony impacted them and how much they could relate to it. Please pray that these conversations will continue :)

Also while we were at the training center Graham was interviewed on tv by the Christian station and we even got to see it later while we were out for dinner.

This morning right after breakfast myself, Graham, Rachel (one of our players) and Avelino (our AIA Paraguay) director went to be interviewed at the Christian radio station! It went really well. And my voice was good, I´ve had a bad cold and first thing this morning I was coughing every time I spoke and had the deep sexy voice, but thankfully my voice was normal and no coughing for the radio. It was a neat experience to be able to translate on a live radio broadcast, a first for me.

The girls have another game this evening and Graham is hosting a seminar for churches on using sp0rts as a community outreach. Tomorrow we´ll be doing some soccer clinics with some local churches, it will be great to get out in the communities a bit more.

Please continue to pray for the girls that they will build good relationships with the other teams, and be able to share their faith. As well as saftey as they play, that none of them will be injured.

Oh and just a side´s FREEZING here!!! Only 5 degrees and none of us packed for this temp so we´re dressing in layers. HOpe you guys are enjoying the sun back at home.

Hopefully I can get some pics up here soon.

Love you all.

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