Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Me at Iguazu Falls Brazil

This is not a pic from the internet! I was THERE and took it!!!! BEAUTIFUL!

Sunday morning at 1:30am we got on a bus (a very nice bus) and headed to Brazil. What an AMAZING trip. We are supposed to have Visas to get into Brazil but God blessed us so much and we were able to cross the boarder without them.

We did this trip just to spend a few hours at the Iguasu Falls, one of the top three falls in the world. And wow!!! Just before we got there on the bus we sang the worship song "Indiscribable" and how appropriate. We saw Gods handy work at it's best. I have never, nor do I think I will ever see anything as beautiful and maginficant as these falls. The song says

"Indiscrible uncontainable, You put the stars in the sky and you know them by name, you are amazing God. All powerful, untamable awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim, you are amazing God."

I can't find the words to discribe the beauty that we saw. We turned one corner and it was breathtaking, the first sight almost literally brought tears to my eyes! And one of the girls that was on the trip last year said "this is nothing, just wait" and she was right, every turn of the path as we got closer and closer it got more and more amazing! And don't worry I have plenty of more pictures.. haha I only took about 60 at the falls. And none of them will do it any justice. You can't possibly catch all this beauty in a picture.

On our way back we stopped at Ramon's house. Ramon is a man that sat next to Graham (my boss) on the plane from Brazil to Paraguay and he invited all 30 of us to his house for a BBQ! It was so good, but really who invites 30 strangers to their house for a bbq???? haha. It was great.

The team left this morning and I have one more week here. It was very hard to say goodbye to them at the airport. They are an amazing group of young ladies that God used in such powerful ways here. I don't think any of them left Paraguay the same as when they came. There was a lot of tears and some good laughs too. I know I'll keep in touch with quite a few of them. It was such a blessing getting to know them.

Gotta run. Tomorrow Lindsay and I will have a low key morning and then jump into a week of A LOT of meetings... and hopefully that includes getting tickets to the Brazil/ Paraguay game Sunday night!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!

Love you all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Beautiful photos! Can't wait to see them all in real life :)