Monday, May 26, 2014

Churches, Towers and Old City Walls

Oh how I love walled cities and Old Town Tallinn did not disappoint!

As we approached the old town, we began to see the red roofs of the wall towers and steeples of numerous churches. The Old Town is comprised of buildings dating back to the 13th century. The cobble stoned streets twist throughout the city and connect with many alleyways and what seem to be hidden gems. History just seeps from every building and between every stone, it's truly an amazing place.

We visited many churches, there are at least 7 within the Old Town, each of them very distinct from the last. The Russian Orthodox, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral , built in 1900, is cleary the most impressive with it's massive domed roof and size looming over the city.
St. Olaf's church takes the cake for the tallest, with its spire reaching 124m! This church was built in 1267, but between 1625 and 1820 the church burnt down 8 times after being struck by lightening.  The inside of the church is unimpressive with simple white walls, but you are able to climb 232 steps up the spire! If your lungs and legs can make it, it is well worth the view that rewards you at the top. It is not for the faint of heart, as the walk way on top is very narrow.

We were able to explore the city walls. We went through the Nun Tower and climbed narrow spiral stair cases to the top. It is an amazing view from the tiny windows and a peacefull walk along the wall itself. We were able to climb up to three of the 9 towers. The walls of the Old Town were mostly constructed during the 14th century and citizens of medieval Tallinn were obligated to perform regular guard duty.

One of the most impressive towers (for size) is Fat Margaret. Her name is well earned, as she is very large and boasts walls that are 4 meters thick!  This once served as the city's prison.  There are many theories of how the tower got the name Fat Margaret. Some say it was named after one of her canons....other say it was named after the cook!

We had such a great time just walking through the narrow roads, looking through the many souvenir shops, getting lost and finding streets with such character. Truly this city is a photographers dream.

We have another day here tomorrow and look forward to exploring more!

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