Thursday, May 29, 2014

Today we fired Steohanie, our Tom Tom guide

This morning we left Saaremaa early, but not before exploring the beautiful Angla windmills. There are 5 of them lined at the side of the road and such beautiful scenery with farming fields behind them. We were able to go insjde the largest of the windmills and see the inner mechanics. I would love to see one of these in action to make flour!

We got to the ferry over to the mainland without any isssues. And then Stephanie, our computer Tom Tom voice, decided to take us on a little adventure! As wwe were on our way to our next country, Latvia, She told us to turn right so we did, then turn once you're outside of the big city, Tallin, it always looks like you're in the middle of nowhere, so driving a quaint country road didn't seem odd....well that quaint little road soon became a gravel road! The signs we were seeing still made sense but it kept going ang going. We decided to let Stephanie continue to guide us until her next directions whicb were coming up in 12kms. Well the road was still gravel! We were debatig at what point we should turn around wheen we came across a sign! WELCOME TO LATIVA!!! I am now officially a quarter of the way to my bucket list goal of visiting 100 countries!!!! But we are also in tbe middle of no where literally and as we continued just a little bit futher there was less and less signs of civilization......we turned around and fired Stephanie! Well, we gave her a bit of a time out and just followed ssigns and the teeny tiny map in our travel book. It has been impossible to find an actual map here, so Stephanie has been somewhat useful.

With the detour it took us a bit longer to make it to Segulda but what a day of adventure! When we were finally back on track and came to cross over in to Latvia again we pulled over to get another picture of the welcome to Latvia sign that wasnt in the middle of nowhere and a border lady came out and told us we cant parm because its the border property....all these coutries are part of the EU so there aren't any real borders, you can come and go as you please. So weird. At least we got our picture in tbe middle of nowwhere and a good story to go along with it.

So we are now in Sigulda, the adventure capital of Baltics, i the middle of a beautiful national park! Cant wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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