Tuesday, May 27, 2014

kiek-in-de-kok and 15kms of walking

 I really wish I coukd post pics on here but it's just nit working....

We walked over 15kms today, and it was so cold! About 8 degrees but with the wind chill it was about 3 or 4, we had to buy toques to keep somewhat warm. We explored every street of old Tallinn and did a tour of the old bastion tunnels under the Keik-in-de-kok tower.
 These tunels were built in the 1500's (I think). It was very interesting to here the stories of what the tunnels have been used for.....transporting goods from one tower to another, sealed shelters for chemical attacks during world war l, during world war ll about 1,000 people escaped to the tunnels as Tallinn suffered two air raids in one night that left Tallin in ruins and 20,000 people dead. Later the tunnels werent used for their original defence or protective uses....in the 80s punk bands would hide out and perform in them, from 1991-2005 after Estonia won its freedom once again, the economy took a huge blow and homeless people started to find their way into the tunnels. In 2005 excavation of the tunnels began and the last homeless person was forced to leave. The kiek-in-de-kok tower is now a museum of all old weaponry.

We walked 2 km to check out Kadriorg palace. This palace was built by tsar Peter the Great, as a gift to Empress Catherine who was given to him as a gift. The palace really wasnt that impressive and was closed....along with all the other museums on the grounds.

After our 2 km walk back to old town we rewarded our selves with amazing crepes! Mine was covered with vanilla icecream and fruit and megans had chocolate ice cream and chocolate syrup. A well deserved, hit the spot treat!
Tomorrow the real adventures begin....we pick up our rental car and start our road trip through Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania! Oh it's gonna be fun!

For now I am exhausted and ready for bed!

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