Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I think I may have the best job in the world.....

We have done a lot since the last time I wrote....where do I start!

Sunday night the gilrs played one of the hardest teams they will this trip, against the Paraguayan National U17 team that is headed to the World Cup in October. So they are one of the best teams in South America and we sure did WIN! It was a great game played by all.

We got to spend time with the team afterwards and Janae shared her story, it really impacted the team. I had the priviledge of staying behind and translating for Bri as she shared with a player and her mom about all that Jesus has done for us, and how to have a personal relationship with him. We didn´t get to finish the conversation, as they had to leave, but both mother and daughter had a lot of questions and were adimate that we continue this conversation when we play them again on Friday.

Monday, we got to go for a tour of the National Stadium, it was incredible to see from the field and imagine the stands filled with fans, it would be insane during a soccer game! We got to go down and see the visitors dressing I just may have sat in the same seat as Kaka and Ronaldhino (I know i spelt that wrong) haha. Any soccer fan will know who I mean.

Our game on MOnday night was a rough one for our girls. The sportsmanship on the Paraguayan team wasn´t the best. They will fall alot and scream literally like they have broken their leg and as soon as a yellow card is given out they jump up laughing!!!! It´s a little frustrating. We lost that game 3 - 1 but more important was our time with the team afterwards. Shannon shared her testimony ad Graham shared about what it means to put Jesus at the center of your life. We have cards that we had out afterwards so that people can indicate if they have accepted Jesus and every player marked down that they want more teaching about Jesus, and few prayed the prayer (including their coach). THAT is worth losing a game for!

Tuesday morning was incredible, A once in a life time thing and beyond amazing for any futbol fan! We got to go for a tour of the South American Futbol Confederation building, this is the headquarters for all of South American Futbol. Noth only did we get to go for a tour but the President of ALL of south american futbol was our guide! I even got to take my picture next to the American Cup! This is equivelent to our Stanley Cup for those of you that don´t know soccer. All the trophies and cups are in the President´s office, which is bigger than most apartments.

Last night we played abit of a lower level team....I felt bad for our 7-2 win! But our time afterwards was amazing again. Gentri and Sydney got to share with a girl as her friend Sofia (a christian) watched, and she accepted Jesus into her life!

My job is a tough one....watching peoples lives be changed by God´s amazing love! What a rough life!

On a personal note, I am having a great time. A little tired but we all our. My cold is sticking around but getting better. I am loving being able to translate for the team. I have had a few meetings that I have had to translate for and I translate for the girls when they share their stories. It amazes me everytime how I can do this! Stand infront of such big groups of people and speak a different language so easily and naturally! I can´t do it without God and He is with me each and every time.

Today is going to be a very busy day! I am up early to get a chance on the internet and we have a very early start too. We are going to a community center for street kids to do a soccer clinic, have two games right after lunch and hopefully this evening we are going to watch a men´s professional soccer game! We´ll sleep good tonight!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a good time and getting to witness to a lot of the girls. We are praying that God will work through you all.
Can't wait to hear all about your adventures and see pictures.
Love you and are praying for you

Taya said...

So proud of you!