Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Center for kids infected and affected by AIDS

I really can’t believe that I only have three full days left here and I come home! It will definitely be bitter sweet. I want to be home to see Grandma and be with my family, and have all the comforts that come from home as well. But this is such a great group down here and I’m having such a great time watching God move in their lives and I know that He is going to be doing such amazing things through each of them, it’s sad that I won’t be here to be part of it and witness all that God is going to do.

Tuesday afternoon we go to go and hang out at a center for kids that are infected and affected by AIDS. On the bus ride there I just prayed that I could see these kids through Gods eyes, that I could love them with His love. We got there and a few of the kids quickly clung to us and some were a bit shyer and need a bit of encouragement to talk to us, but that didn’t take long at all. They were all so cute!!! We colored with them, jumped on the trampoline and then walked to a park to play some futbol with them. I walked over hold hands with Rosy (8 yrs picture to the left), she said she didn’t like futbol much and wasn’t sure if she was going to play today or not. Rosy and I were partnered up for the warm up games and she quickly joined in and was giggling non-stop. When the futbol began she was right in there with the rest of them. Maty (3yrs picture the the right) glued to Tim, oh it was great!!! Tim played half the game with Maty giggling on his back. It was so fun to see our guys and girls encage with the kids too. I got to translate for Megan as she shared her testimony of how God helped her through her parent’s divorce; a story I’m sure a lot of these kids could relate to. Then I translated as Benjamin shared with them who Jesus was. The kids were listening so intently to every word, it was great!

As the futbol game was going on Wendy (a Canadian who runs the shelter), came over and sent Julio to play in the game. She stood by me and told me Julio’s story. He is 25 years old, he had a great job in Argentina when his girlfriend in Paraguay told him she was pregnant, he got home the day his son was born. At the same time his girlfriend told him she was HIV positive, he went and got tested and sure enough he tested positive as well. This was only two months ago. Not only is he dealing with this new lot in life but both families don’t want him and his girlfriend to be together so they are being forced to stay apart when they both want to be together. He comes to the center to be part of the support group and helps out with the kids. He’s happy to have found help and says the center helps him get through each day. My heart broke for him and tears were in my eyes as Wendy shared his story with me, I could feel how much God loves Julio and how much He longs to make Him whole and give him the strength to get through all of what he’s going through.

It was so great getting to play with the kids, we’ll be going to a soup kitchen Thursday, I’m really looking forward to it. I have to share a side story about one of the little girls....Adreana (4 yrs, pic to the right).....she was so cute and so sweet, she clung to Megan instantly. We were at the park and she didn’t want to play futbol so Megan and her were hanging out. Well, Adreana decided she wanted to jump into a well..... so Megan stopped her which made Adreana quite mad, she started kicking and crying and hitting Megan...Benjamin went over to help out and Adreana proceeded to hit Benjamin as well, then this oh so cute little girls not only sticks her tongue out at Benjamin but also flips him the bird!!! Hahaha, he was so shocked and hurt that a 4 year old little girl would flip him off. Poor guy, provided us with a great laugh though.

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