Friday, June 12, 2009

Hey again everyone,

I haven't had a ton of time to really think about what I was going to write today. First off today was a harder day hearing that my Grandma is back in the hospital and I am unable to be there to support my family is very hard. But at the same time that I think of that, it is because of the fact that my Grandma moved in with us about 20 years ago that I am in Paraguay today. If she had not moved in and taken me to church all those years ago, I may not have Jesus as part of my life. SO in not being with my family I am taking comfort in the fact that I am living out a very big part of my life that my Grandma had a huge contribution to.

So on with what we have been doing..... I haven't had a huge amout of time to mull over what we have been learning in our classes and I really want to write that well, with complete thoughts so I will write more about it later. I'll just talk about the free time stuff we have been doing.

Yesterday afternoon we got to out on a tour of Asuncion. We went down to the Paraguay River, and looked out over a shanty town, that honestly smelt like a bathroom. There were tons of kids running around and coming up asking for money. Tim took to a kid Damion, very quickly and was doing magic tricks for him with coins. Damion that Tim was the best and followed us all around for about 45 mins. It was great!!! We learnt alot about the history of Paraguay and it is harsh!!!! One war killed 90% of their men so they resorted to dressing kids up in army clothes painting on mustaches, handing them a gun and sending them to war...these were kids ages 7 -17!!!! Brutal. We also got to meet the pastor that runs the soup kitchen where Damion and another 300 kids get to eat lunch each day.

THen today at practise we had an army truck drive up.....guys with big machine guns running around only to find out the President was coming!!! hahaha. What are the chances... and there were only about 6 guards or so and one dog.

Anyways Becca is waiting for the internet...there's a couple of stories for now.

Have a good day!!!

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