Tuesday, June 09, 2009

first few days in Paraguay

Hey Everyone!

My first few days in Paraguay were fairly uneventful. My job was to make four very active girls rest up for the remainder of the trip. They are great girls and we have had a lot of fun together just hanging out and going for walks.

Saturday we got to go to the Paraguay vs. Chile game....Paraguay lost 2 -0 so the environment was very different from last year. Watching the fans get angry was more entertaining than the game itself at some points. haha. Especially when they started throwing bottles.

Our group arrived yesterday, very, very tired after about 40 hours of travel. We had a quick orentation and played some games and chatted before everyone was just falling asleep.

This week will be intense for the athletes as they go through a four day seminar of Integrating Faith and Sport.....it always proves to be physically, Mentally and Spiritually exhausting but the outcome of it is amazing! They will grow so much in their faith and get to know who they are in God.

That's about it. I'm sure some good stories will be coming soon....we have some excitting things coming up but won't ruin any surprises for now.

Love you all,


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