Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Special

It has been a very, very busy week!!! We finished our Integrating Faith and Sport this morning. It has been a great week of watching the students soak all their learning in and getting to put it into practise on the field.
The seminar is always ended with "The Special" this is a 24 hours sports marathon....since our group was small it was 15 hours. They started at 8pm Saturday night and ended at 11am this morning.

The special symbolizes the last bit of Christ's life and his walk to Golgotha. The teams have focal points together (a bible verse or something) and a personal focal point as well, it was cool watching everyone come out ready to go with their bible verses written on their arms and legs. It's hard to tell all about it as I'm still lacking some sleep. But everyone did So good! they started and ended strong.
The last challenge after being physically exhausted is called Golgotha....we drove to a large mountain that overlooks the city, in a relay style each student took a plank of wood and ran down the mountain (not too far, but way too far for me), and then run back up, but on the way back they had to carry the wood as Christ carried the cross. They were in isolation during this, to reflect on what they've been through in relation to what Christ went through for them. The last little bit their team could cheer them on. Everyone was exhausted but finished so strong as a thank you for what Christ went through for each of us. After when Paul was sharing and reading from the bible about Christ's walk to Golgotha it was emotional to think of the encouragement that each of the students got...while Christ was beaten, spit on and people couldn't wait to see him die as he walked up the hill. It was an incredible experience for everyone.

We all got a bit of sleep and are now getting ready for a great reward.....all you can eat Brazillian BBQ YUM!!!!

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