Monday, June 16, 2008

Saying good-bye is always hard.

Leaving will be hard, as always. The last few days have been incredible and it's always hard to leave when you've made such good friends and when God is moving so much.

The weekend was incredible. We went to a wedding Saturday night that didn't even start till 9pm! And was very formal. Lots of fun seeing different traditions and dancing to some latin music.

Sunday was TONS of fun!!!!!!

Lindsay and I at the Paraguay/ Brazil Soccer game. A once in a lifetime opportunity! AND Paraguay won 2 - 1!!!
We were given the tickets from Dr. Poeletti who works with the Futbol association here, so generous. We met him at his house to walk to the stadium with him and his kids. His niece and her husband were also there and they are moving to LANGLEY in December! What are the chances! And Dr. Poeletti brought face paint to paint Paraguayan flags on our faces....but only painted mine and Lindsay's faces. The environment of the stadium was unlike anything I have ever experienced!!! When Paraguay scored, the place was beyond INSANE!!! Everyone jumping up and down and hugging everyone! Whoever was in reach you hugged and high fived. It was crazy. And there was a small section of Brazil fans and they had riot police up both sides of the section to protect them from the Paraguay fans and at the end of the game, they had to wait to be the last ones out of the stadium for their protection. hahaha so different from home.

Today was our last day and we had such incredible meetings. We met one last time with the Selection team that is going to the World Cup in New Zealand. And the coaches are just so encouraging when it comes to Josefina working as a chaplain for the team. They're very excited about it.

And tonight we had the first meeting of the first key volunteers for AIA Paraguay. This is a group of people that our team has meet the last few weeks, christian players, that want to use their futbol to reach their team mates and community for Jesus! We had 8 people come out plus Avelino and Josefina (aia staff). 7 girls and one guy. All of them have such an incredible heart to serve and to share Christ with their country. None of them could stop smiling for all God has done in the last few weeks. They have a lot of work ahead of them but are very excited. We had 70 girls over the last few weeks indicate that they want to know more about Jesus. INCREDIBLE! Something only God could do. This small group of people are going to do amazing things here in Paraguay. It was hard to leave the meeting knowing that I'll just be watching from the sidelines now. I'll have stories about a few of these people in my newsletter when I get home.

Well, it's almost midnight and I have to be up in 7 hours! YIKES! And two days of travel ahead of me. Oh but I will be hitting the beach in Miami :) YEAH!!!!

Will be back in Canada late Thursday night. LOve you all!!!!

Now to face our new friends at the airport to say good-bye..... there will be lots of tears......

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A quick update

Hey Everyone,

I really don't have tons to update on right now... but thought I'd let everyone know I'm still breathing :) haha

We have had a busy few days since the team left, just tons of meetings. All of them have been very good!!! We got Josefina in as the chaplain to the U17 Selection team that will be heading to the U17 World Cup in New Zealand. And we had a meeting with the head of the Olympic Committee here and it looks like Avelino will be the chaplain for all the Olympic athletes.

Some fun stuff...... we had an evening off and it is incredible how cheap things can be here.... we got a large pizza from Pizza Hut, three movie tickets, Popcorn, M&M's and a bottle of water all for under $20!!!! It's insane!

Tonight we are going to Josefina's niece's wedding. It's a formal occasion and doesn't even start till 9pm!!! It'll be a late night.

Tomorrow night will be one of the biggest highlights of the trip (fun wise). Lindsay and I have been given free VIP tickets to the Brazil/Paraguay game!!! The city is already going crazy with Paraguay parafanalia... I'll have to find a jersey by game time to wear. It's going to be insane! But so much fun. If you happen to be watching it look for me in the crowd hahaha. VIP section you never know...hahaha.

I'll update after the game, I'm sure I'll have quite the stories. :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Me at Iguazu Falls Brazil

This is not a pic from the internet! I was THERE and took it!!!! BEAUTIFUL!

Sunday morning at 1:30am we got on a bus (a very nice bus) and headed to Brazil. What an AMAZING trip. We are supposed to have Visas to get into Brazil but God blessed us so much and we were able to cross the boarder without them.

We did this trip just to spend a few hours at the Iguasu Falls, one of the top three falls in the world. And wow!!! Just before we got there on the bus we sang the worship song "Indiscribable" and how appropriate. We saw Gods handy work at it's best. I have never, nor do I think I will ever see anything as beautiful and maginficant as these falls. The song says

"Indiscrible uncontainable, You put the stars in the sky and you know them by name, you are amazing God. All powerful, untamable awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim, you are amazing God."

I can't find the words to discribe the beauty that we saw. We turned one corner and it was breathtaking, the first sight almost literally brought tears to my eyes! And one of the girls that was on the trip last year said "this is nothing, just wait" and she was right, every turn of the path as we got closer and closer it got more and more amazing! And don't worry I have plenty of more pictures.. haha I only took about 60 at the falls. And none of them will do it any justice. You can't possibly catch all this beauty in a picture.

On our way back we stopped at Ramon's house. Ramon is a man that sat next to Graham (my boss) on the plane from Brazil to Paraguay and he invited all 30 of us to his house for a BBQ! It was so good, but really who invites 30 strangers to their house for a bbq???? haha. It was great.

The team left this morning and I have one more week here. It was very hard to say goodbye to them at the airport. They are an amazing group of young ladies that God used in such powerful ways here. I don't think any of them left Paraguay the same as when they came. There was a lot of tears and some good laughs too. I know I'll keep in touch with quite a few of them. It was such a blessing getting to know them.

Gotta run. Tomorrow Lindsay and I will have a low key morning and then jump into a week of A LOT of meetings... and hopefully that includes getting tickets to the Brazil/ Paraguay game Sunday night!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!

Love you all

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Soccer Clinics

I just have a few minutes to type here...let´s see what i can get in.

Wednesday we did a soccer clinic at one of the First Lady of Paraguays Community Centers. It was so much fun to get to go into a more impoverished area and play with the kids and get to see what Paraguay is really like. We were only there for about two hours but the kids had a ton of fun and at the end we got to give out the gospel bracelets. As well, I got called over by some of the girls to translate and we prayed with six or seven kids to accept Jesus! The people with the community center will follow up with these kids and were very excited. In the afternoon yesterday the girls had two games! They have now played 11 games in 9 days.

This morning we did another socccer clinic, this time in the second most dangerous neighbourhood in Asunicion!!!! We didn´t know that going in...... then our driver stopped at a police station, when I asked what was going on that´s when he told us we needed a police escort! haha! We had two cops drive behind us and while we were playing with the kids we had four cops around the outskirts of the field. And then two rode on the bus with us until we were out of the bad part. I´ve been in some bad areas in south america but that was the first time I have ever needed a police escort! It was a lot of fun though. We got off the bus and a little girl literally jumped on me! And one little girl would not let go of Morgan when it was time to go. Heart breaking

I have to run, we get a treat tonight! We´re off to a bbq restaurant! All you can eat meat.

Oh and last night we got to go to a Professional soccer game (equivalent of seeing the Canucks) It was amazing! We were special guests of the President of the Futbol Confederation of South America....yep once again on tv! hahah we´re celebrities!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I think I may have the best job in the world.....

We have done a lot since the last time I wrote....where do I start!

Sunday night the gilrs played one of the hardest teams they will this trip, against the Paraguayan National U17 team that is headed to the World Cup in October. So they are one of the best teams in South America and we sure did WIN! It was a great game played by all.

We got to spend time with the team afterwards and Janae shared her story, it really impacted the team. I had the priviledge of staying behind and translating for Bri as she shared with a player and her mom about all that Jesus has done for us, and how to have a personal relationship with him. We didn´t get to finish the conversation, as they had to leave, but both mother and daughter had a lot of questions and were adimate that we continue this conversation when we play them again on Friday.

Monday, we got to go for a tour of the National Stadium, it was incredible to see from the field and imagine the stands filled with fans, it would be insane during a soccer game! We got to go down and see the visitors dressing I just may have sat in the same seat as Kaka and Ronaldhino (I know i spelt that wrong) haha. Any soccer fan will know who I mean.

Our game on MOnday night was a rough one for our girls. The sportsmanship on the Paraguayan team wasn´t the best. They will fall alot and scream literally like they have broken their leg and as soon as a yellow card is given out they jump up laughing!!!! It´s a little frustrating. We lost that game 3 - 1 but more important was our time with the team afterwards. Shannon shared her testimony ad Graham shared about what it means to put Jesus at the center of your life. We have cards that we had out afterwards so that people can indicate if they have accepted Jesus and every player marked down that they want more teaching about Jesus, and few prayed the prayer (including their coach). THAT is worth losing a game for!

Tuesday morning was incredible, A once in a life time thing and beyond amazing for any futbol fan! We got to go for a tour of the South American Futbol Confederation building, this is the headquarters for all of South American Futbol. Noth only did we get to go for a tour but the President of ALL of south american futbol was our guide! I even got to take my picture next to the American Cup! This is equivelent to our Stanley Cup for those of you that don´t know soccer. All the trophies and cups are in the President´s office, which is bigger than most apartments.

Last night we played abit of a lower level team....I felt bad for our 7-2 win! But our time afterwards was amazing again. Gentri and Sydney got to share with a girl as her friend Sofia (a christian) watched, and she accepted Jesus into her life!

My job is a tough one....watching peoples lives be changed by God´s amazing love! What a rough life!

On a personal note, I am having a great time. A little tired but we all our. My cold is sticking around but getting better. I am loving being able to translate for the team. I have had a few meetings that I have had to translate for and I translate for the girls when they share their stories. It amazes me everytime how I can do this! Stand infront of such big groups of people and speak a different language so easily and naturally! I can´t do it without God and He is with me each and every time.

Today is going to be a very busy day! I am up early to get a chance on the internet and we have a very early start too. We are going to a community center for street kids to do a soccer clinic, have two games right after lunch and hopefully this evening we are going to watch a men´s professional soccer game! We´ll sleep good tonight!!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Games, t.v. and radio

Yesterday the girls got to train (weights) with the U-17 Selection team, this team will be playing in the U-17 World Cup in New Zealand in October! It was such a great time watching our team interact with the Paraguayan team and try out their limited Spanish and the Paraguayans with their limited English. There was a lot of laughing and the start of some good friendships. We´ll be playing this team a few times over the next few weeks and will have a lot of opportunities to build into them. After the training session we got to share about why we are here, and Gentri did a great job sharing her testimony. A few girls talked to our players aftewards and said how much her testimony impacted them and how much they could relate to it. Please pray that these conversations will continue :)

Also while we were at the training center Graham was interviewed on tv by the Christian station and we even got to see it later while we were out for dinner.

This morning right after breakfast myself, Graham, Rachel (one of our players) and Avelino (our AIA Paraguay) director went to be interviewed at the Christian radio station! It went really well. And my voice was good, I´ve had a bad cold and first thing this morning I was coughing every time I spoke and had the deep sexy voice, but thankfully my voice was normal and no coughing for the radio. It was a neat experience to be able to translate on a live radio broadcast, a first for me.

The girls have another game this evening and Graham is hosting a seminar for churches on using sp0rts as a community outreach. Tomorrow we´ll be doing some soccer clinics with some local churches, it will be great to get out in the communities a bit more.

Please continue to pray for the girls that they will build good relationships with the other teams, and be able to share their faith. As well as saftey as they play, that none of them will be injured.

Oh and just a side´s FREEZING here!!! Only 5 degrees and none of us packed for this temp so we´re dressing in layers. HOpe you guys are enjoying the sun back at home.

Hopefully I can get some pics up here soon.

Love you all.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First couple of days in Paraguay

The trip here was honestly very exhausting, it was over 40 hours of travel, and I didn´t sleep at all on the planes. But we made it! And everyone had very good spirits throughout the trip. I do have a cold now but everytime I turn around someone is giving me vitamin C pills, it´s quite funny. I¨ll be better in no time.

The first couple of days have been great. The team is really clicking and everyone is getting a long so well. The girls are so passionate about being here and sharing their faith with the people of Paraguay. We played our first game today and when it was almost cancelled because of rain, the only concern the girls had was that they would still get to go and hang out with the team so that they could share Christ with them. We did get to play the game and these girls are amazing! This was their first official game playing as a team and they have only had 5 practises together in as many days, and they won!!! The other team even had 11 girls on it who just qualified for the U17 World Cup! I was very impressed with them. Afterwards, we got to hang out with the other team and just get to know them abit. We will be playing and training with this team three or four times over the next few weeks so the relationships will grow and we´ll have plenty of opportunities to share God´s love with them. We also have Anna back with us, she is a Paraguayan national that played with the AIA team last year and through her experience accpeted Jesus into her life. The few girls that were on this trip last year were in tears when she met us at the airport.

As for me and my job here... I´m very busy... being a translator for 25 people isn´t a small task! But it is a lot of fun!!!! I get to hear and help the girls share their stories.

I have to run, there is a line up for the computer. BUT my travel blog is never complete with out a toilet story..... we´re south of the equator and the water in the toilet does go the other way when you flush! Yeah, that´s my entertainment hahaha. OH... and i have HOT water in my shower!!! Oh, the Lord is good to me :)

More to come.......

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Getting ready for Paraguay

Picking up six girls plus luggage in one van!!! We fit! just.....

This week is turning into a whirlwind.....I don't really know if I have the right day of the week...haha... but being on the organizing end of a big trip has been exciting and interesting. I've been helping with organizing flights, visas, and working one on one with a few of the girls to prepare for the trip.

We have already seen miracles in that three girls recieved visas for Paraguay in unheard of speed! The most amazing one arrived in Ottawa at the embassy at 11:30am and was processed and at Purolator by 2:30pm! Wow, God can do big things! Now we're praying that they arrive in Vancouver tomorrow for pick up. haha, it never ends.

The team has had a great first few days together just hanging out together. The first night we had a short time of worshipping and got to hear Jamie share of his past tour experiences and the way he has seen God work through what we always think are hiccups but it's really God making His plan work out despite what agendas we have.

My small group is great, I have five girls that I will be meeting with and walking through this adventure with. They're great girls and they are ready, willing and excited to see how God is going to use them in Paraguay.

We sang this song tonight and I think it's very fitting for us getting ready for this trip.

Take my Life and let it be
Take my life and let it be
Consecrated Lord to thee
Take my hadns and let them move
At the impulse of Your love
At the impluse of Your love

Take my fee and let them be
Swift and beautiful for thee
Take my voise and let me sing
Always only for my King
Always only for my King

Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages for thee
Take my silver and my gold
Not a mite would I withhold
Not a mite would I withhold

Take my love, my God I pour
At they feet its treasure store
Take myself and I will be
Ever only all for the
Ever only all for the

This is my prayer for this trip. I hope to update the blog along the way. I"m off to the airport now!!!!!