Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Paraguay Bound 2009!

Well, in about 9 hours I will be at the airport waiting to board my plane to Paraguay again (will arrive in Paraguay after about 24 hours of travel). It's been a year since I was there last and I am SO excited to see my friends again and see first hand all that God has done this past year.
We have had a Women's team in Paraguay for the past two weeks and the stories that I have heard so far are amazing, God is moving, using these girls to do incredible things. He's moving in the peoples hearts and they are coming to know Him, understanding how great His love is for each of us.
I can't wait to get there and be part of all of this again! I am so blessed to have this opportunity, who am I that God would use me in such ways? I am God's beloved, He is powerful and can do things beyond my strengths, abilities and knowledge using me as a vessle to show His love.
I'll be trying to update this blog as much as I can. Thank you to each and everyone of you for your support, prayers and encouragement, you each have a part in this trip.

Love you all!!!!

1 comment:

Rachel Pickford said...

So excited for you, Vicki! Can't wait to hear more incredible God stories. You ask who are you that God would use you? You're His daughter, my friend, and what better status is THAT!

Safe travels!